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3 Easy Steps Toward Clean Living: Water, Air and Sleep

Updated: Jun 27

These are 3 easy ways ANYONE can start to clean up their home and health.

Clean Water

Not so breaking news: That plastic bottled water you've been drinking contains tons of microplastics that are impacting our health, even unborn babies.

Unfortunately, no matter the pH or the location your bottled water comes from, you don't know how long it's been sitting in that plastic bottle, leeching microplastics and petrochemicals into the water - all the way from collecting, manufacturing, to transport in high temps and sitting on the shelves. It could be months or years!

Not only is bottled water expensive, we've come to learn that recycling isn't all it's cracked up to be. Majority of what we throw in the recycling bins ends up in landfills, and there's nothing we can really do about that. What we can do is buy our reusable water bottles or cups, and buy water that is fresh, clean and isn't sitting on the shelves for months or more.

Favorite safe stainless steel water bottles for the whole family are Hydroflask - Lead Mama approved!


  1. Reverse Osmosis Water: available at most local grocers like Whole Foods or Sprouts

    1. Buy 5-gallon jugs (our family goes through 5 every two weeks or so) and fill at the store for about 40 cents/gallon. Most bottles they sell are BPA free and while not ideal, you at least know that your water hasn't been sitting in plastic for months on end in excessive heat before arriving at your home.

    2. You can find a local water shop that has a big RO machine and you can fill up for even less - ours is $10 every two weeks.

    3. Remineralize: You will need to add in minerals to your RO water because it doesn't have any. This is another thing missing from a lot of bottled water. Hydration comes from minerals - not water. Drinking water without minerals, like reverse osmosis or distilled water, can potentially lead to dehydration or an electrolyte imbalance. When you consume large amounts of demineralized water, it can dilute the concentration of electrolytes in your bloodstream. It can also result in increased urine production as the body attempts to maintain its electrolyte balance. This process can flush out essential minerals from the body, potentially leading to deficiencies. These minerals are crucial for various bodily functions, including nerve transmission, muscle contraction, and maintaining the heart's rhythm.

    4. Easy affordable way to remineralize your water at home:

    5. A major benefit of going this route is the ease of use for clean cooking! Using this affordable clean water - without worrying about minerals - for cooking, baking, recipes etc. is an easy way to eliminate the nasty tap water from your food as well.


  1. Spring Water Delivery: Arguably the most ideal water to consume. Not all spring water (or bottled water) are created equal. The quality and benefits will vary depending on the source and brand. We are talking about daily home use here, but of course I have to say that bottled water can be a convenient and safe option, especially in areas where tap water is not safe to drink.

  2. Natural Source: Comes from natural springs, which are often (not always) located in pristine environments. This can mean fewer contaminants and pollutants compared to bottled water that may come from various sources.

  3. Mineral Content: Typically contains a balanced mix of natural minerals, which can be beneficial in contributing to the water's taste and nutritional value. No remineralizing needed!

  4. Less Processing: Generally goes through less processing compared to some bottled waters, which can involve treatments like reverse osmosis, distillation, or the addition of chemicals to ensure safety and taste.

  5. Environmental Impact: Often comes in more sustainable packaging options, such as reusable bottles or direct-to-consumer delivery systems, reducing plastic waste.

  6. Alive Waters Delivery: This particular spring water delivery is on the vision board of my mind. They come in beautiful glass bottles that also structure the water (meaning it is as close to its natural state as possible) and it is expensive - mostly due to the upfront cost of the glass bottle deposits. If you or someone you know is dealing with serious health issues, this is what I would recommend they begin with adding into their regimen before any supplementation.

  7. Mountain Valley Spring Water delivers through Sparkletts

    1. Alive Waters Delivery

    2. Sparklett's Mountain Spring Water Delivery

EWG Tap Water Database: Is your tap water safe? Put in your zip code to find out!


3. Whole Home Water Filtration Systems: There are just too many options to go through each of these so here's a list with links to check out these systems. If I had one, I'd get the Mitolife and keep using our shower filters for bath time. And if I had a pool I would definitely be getting something for that - you'll see those options available with a lot of these companies.

Whole Home Solutions:

Countertop Solutions:

Bath Solutions: (including a bathtub filter for your littles).

Clean Air

Let's start with the obvious - air filtration. This was our first big purchase for our temporary living situation. Buying air filters will be a must for some, but not for all. Consider the following:

  • Do you have carpet?

  • Do you have pets?

  • Do you have young children?

  • Do you have allergies or respiratory issues?

  • Any mold issues present in the home?

  • How old is your home? (Prior to 1975 we have asbestos concerns)

There is one option that we love and have used for over a year now - that's Air Doctor. They have sales regularly - often BOGOs - which make it easy to collect more units for more rooms. I can't explain the difference we feel in our air quality. I grew up with asthma, we have old carpeting that we have no control to remove, the house was built in 1973, and we have a toddler. This was the first important health purchase we made and we are so glad we did!

What I love about Air Doctor are the different sizes for different spaces so you can start smaller and they have HVAC filters too!


Plants clean the air through a process known as phytoremediation, where they absorb pollutants through their leaves and roots, metabolize some of these toxins, and release clean oxygen back into the environment. WHAT? How amazing is nature?!

Here are some plants you can get that are known for their air-purifying abilities:

  1. Snake Plant: Unique because it performs photosynthesis and releases oxygen even at night making it an excellent plant for bedrooms.

  2. Spider Plant: Produces oxygen and can grow in various environments.

  3. Aloe Vera: Easy to maintain and has medicinal properties.

  4. Boston Fern: Adds moisture to the air, making it a great choice for dry environments.

  5. Areca Palm: Effective in humidifying indoor air.

  6. English Ivy: Can help reduce airborne mold and bacteria, making it ideal for bathrooms.

  7. Golden Pothos: Very easy to care for and grows rapidly.

Plant-filled bathroom inspo


One of Truly Clean Company's main motivations is to help people understand that fragrance does not mean clean - it's quite the opposite. By removing the fragrance in your home, you will clean up the air quality immediately.

Here's a list of things you can start to get rid of and opt for fragrance-free options instead:

  1. Air Fresheners: any and all - these are so toxic to your environment.

  2. Cleaning Products - anything scented:

    1. scented all-purpose cleaners

    2. fragranced dish soaps

    3. scented laundry detergents and fabric softeners

    4. scented disinfectant wipes

  3. Personal Care Products:

    1. perfumes and colognes

    2. scented lotions and moisturizers

    3. fragranced shampoos and conditioners

    4. scented body washes and soaps

  4. Household Products:

    1. scented trash bags

    2. fragranced toilet paper

    3. scented tissues

    4. fabric fresheners (e.g., Febreze)

Eliminating any artificial scents doesn't only clean up air quality, it improves your health. It's easy to find scientific research that proves these toxic synthetic scents wreak havoc on your endocrine system, leaving a growing number of people with major health issues in fertility, hormone balance, allergies and neurological disease.

Clean Sleep

The benefits of quality sleep seem to have been forgotten. In case you've also forgotten, or perhaps never learned because they aren't teaching this in school, here's a few ways quality sleep can change your life:

  • Physical Health: Cellular repair and growth, immune function, cardiovascular health

  • Mental Health: mood regulation, cognitive function, stress management

  • Metabolic Health: weight management, blood sugar regulation (bye bye ozempic!)

  • Performance and Productivity: physical performance, mental performance

  • Overall Well-being: energy levels, quality of life

Beginner's EMF Mitigation:

With the ever-increasing amount of technology being incorporated into our lives comes an increase in electrical activity in our living spaces. Bluetooth, WiFi, screens and blue light, and turning lights on at night all contribute to poor sleep. Why? Because these are non-native EMFs that take us farther away from our natural state than we've ever been.

  1. Turn off WiFi at night

    1. You can purchase timers to put on the WiFi router plug to ensure it's off while you sleep. This eliminates 1/3 of the usual daily exposure and can quickly improve.


  2. Minimize electrical currents in your bedroom. This includes TVs, computers, anything plugged into electrical outlets. You could go big and flip the breaker switch for your bedroom at night for the ultimate sleep sanctuary.

  3. Ideally leave your phone outside of the room during sleep. If you use your phone for an alarm here's a case you can put it to sleep in. Ensure it is on airplane mode and that you manually turn off bluetooth and WiFi as well.


  4. Wear blue light blocking glasses at sundown

    1. There are a ton of super expensive ones, but they're not necessary.


      1. For those who like to wear their sunglasses at night... this will be an easy addition tot he night time routine. They mimic the natural evening light and help your body's hormone production prepare your body for sleep - all for less than $50 a pair.


The pillows, sheets and mattress that we sleep on absorb into our lungs, skin and the air in our bedrooms. Clean, organic natural materials are ideal, but they can get expensive. We recently switched out all of our bedding when our toddler got his new big boy bed and while we still have a budget low-tox mattress, making the switch to all organic bedding and pillows was a game changer. It's gentler on your skin and you're not breathing in the toxic plastic and chemicals from all the polyester.

While I do not believe all organic materials are created equal, the list below covers every budget. We all have to start somewhere and you've got to find what makes sense for you and your family. With that said, I will repeat what we all know but tend to forget:

We spend 1/3 of our lives in our bedrooms.

You can make a big impact on your health just by cleaning up this space. Forget all the expensive, often useless supplements and I'll say it - even organic foods. Prioritizing your sleep and the environment you sleep in can make a massive impact, far more than any of the other expensive health stuff that's often a shot in the dark trend that probably does not even apply to your specific situation.

Budget Friendly Companies for Organic Bedding:

  1. Coyuchi:

  2. Pact:

  3. Under the Canopy:

  4. Target: Search for GOTS Organic Bedding

  5. Quince: (search by material: organic cotton)

When shopping for organic bedding, look for certifications such as GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) to ensure the materials are genuinely organic and sustainably produced.

Big Budget Energy:

Can't give this company enough credit. Everything is handmade for your order, so it does take a couple of weeks to get to you. Their products are beautiful and in our opinion well worth the cost. You're supporting a family business that's doing things right - and we love them for that!

Lastly, clean air DOUBLES as clean sleep so if that's where you're going to start, put that air filter in your bedroom for double the benefits.

And that's it for now! Of course there are probably 1000s of other ways to start clean living, but I find these to be the most impactful and easiest for most people to begin with. I hope this gives you a starting point in making moves toward improving your home environment, health and quality of life.

Any questions? I'd love to know!

*Note: I am not affiliated with any of the links, products or companies mentioned in this blog


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